Standards of Living / Levensstandaarden

Standards of living: instead of holding you I’m holding this, 2023
183 x 21. 6 x 18 cm
wood, cable ties, print on forex, screw

- This image plus text comes from a moment when I was missing my partner only five minutes after leaving the house.

Standards of living: white wood with cut-out, 2023
wood, photo, magnet
157.8 x 24.5 x 9 cm

- This image shows the marks from the bedsheets on my skin

Standards of living: Paul middlefinger, 2023
print on forex, wood, aluminium, tube clip
164.3 x 21.5 x 11 cm

Standards of living: Dad taught me (…), 2021, 
122.3 x 9.3 x 5.3 cm
various pieces of wood, pen on forex and white thumbtack

- The little note on the wooden sculpture says: Dad taught me how to hurry. 

Standards of living: Card on standard (Paul XXXXXX), 2020, 127 x 14.6 x 32 cm
paper postcard on triplex, screws and various pieces of wood

A standard here, constructed from found materials, is the actual sculpture and not only a support. There is no hierarchy between the thing that is holding something up, and the thing that is held. These standards show the construction and vulnerability of display. Moments from everyday life are casted in such form that looks like it is almost falling (apart). Denouncing the illusion of stability and permanence and the idea of practicality.

Credits: Tommy Smits